020 8964 4928

Dalgarno Trust & Westway CT Working Together

December 5, 2022

Across the borough community organisations are working together to support the most vulnerable residents, ensuring that they don’t go without essential supplies. Westway CT and Dalgarno Trust, which works across North Kensington, have been working together since 2020, Westway CT provides the vehicles so that Dalgarno Trust can keep its food bank stocked up.

Demand for Dalgarno’s food bank has grown considerably over the last three years, first the pandemic and now the cost of living crisis has seen user numbers rise from 50 a week pre-pandemic to over 120 today. Food needs to be collected once a week from donating supermarkets, often topped up with extra essential items by the Trust’s own funds. Ensuring supplies can get to the food bank is critical and that’s where Westway CT plays a role.

We met Farhad, Facilities Manager for Dalgarno Trust. He’s been working with the Trust for several years, first as a volunteer and now as an employee. In 2020 Farhad needed a goods van, Westway provided that vehicle and a driver training assessment for Farhad with our Driver Trainer. This has saved significant sums for Dalgarno Trust, which can be invested in supporting the food bank rather than hiring or purchasing a van on the open market.

Over the last year, the food bank delivered 19,654 bags to those unable to get to their centre, and 8,135 visits across North Kensington, mainly in W10 and W11 to residents, where many (55%) struggle with a health condition.

Westway’s relationship with Dalgarno goes further, we also help the Trust deliver its Youth Programme, Westway CT’s minibuses transport young people to summer camps and activities, and we’re looking forward to exploring new partnership opportunities with Dalgarno to help them deliver more for their community in the future.