020 8964 4928

Visit: Holland Park Ecology Centre

February 8, 2023

Destination Of The Month: March

Step into Spring this March and explore the great outdoors with Forest School programmes, self-led sessions and environmental workshops. Now is a great time to embrace nature, welcome the warmer weather and energise after the cold, dark winter months. 

The Centre welcomes school groups within Kensington and Chelsea, home education groups and community groups including Third Age organisations. What’s more they’ll work with you to create a bespoke session for your group, accessible to your learners. Book your visit direct with the Ecology Park Here 

But let us take you there!

Special Offer!

Westway CT are giving away one free outing to the first group member organisation that gets in touch. So you can travel to the event on us! Email, Bookings@Westwayct.org.uk and quote ‘Destination of the Month’ to see if you are the first! (Dates and Times to be mutually agreed.)

Getting There

Our minibus scheme for group members offers community groups travel in London for an affordable and accessible price. If you aren’t already a member you can sign up here.

Our Prices 

Our group memberships fall into two categories: Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea (RKBC) groups and groups not resident in RKBC. Prices below show the difference in costs and both offer a considerable saving. 

RBKC groups travel from just £1.72 per person.

That’s just £27.5 for the entire trip! 

Need to hire a driver? Travel for £7.87 per person or £125.90 in total.

Non- RBKC Members travel for only £2.09 per person

That’s just £30 for the entire trip by using your own driver!

All estimates are based on a 10 mile round trip and usage of a Westway CT minibus for 5 hours. Actual cost of hire will vary based on your group’s pickup location, length of hire and other factors such as parking or traffic delays or by using a Westway CT Driver. To use your own driver, they must be MiDAS trained and registered as a volunteer with your organisation. Get a personalised estimate below. 

Become a Member And Access Great Rates: info@westwayct.org.uk