020 8964 4928

 Shopper Bus Service 

An Accessible Door to Door Shopping Service for residents in Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster.

What is Shopper Bus and who is it for?

Shopper Bus is a free service for Westway CT members who live in Westminster or Kensington and Chelsea.  It is for anyone who can’t use public transport because of age or mobility issues.

This door to door minibus service offers a choice of two services, one running on a fixed timetable and the other is flexible for on demand destinations. Both services are available 5 days a week. 

The fixed route offers trips to a selection of supermarkets in different areas and has a passenger assistant on board to help with carrying bags (limited to x2 carrier bags or x1 trolly per person). It can be booked as and when needed or you can schedule a regular pick up.  Both services can be booked by phone.

Why do we run the Shopper Bus?

Our mission is to help reduce loneliness and isolation that can severely affect older people.

As people get older they can experience a reduced ability to do day to day tasks like shopping or travelling on mainstream public transport.

The Shopper Bus service helps fight older peoples’ isolation and loneliness, giving them a way to regularly access essential services which they can’t access in other ways.

By running this service we enable people to access services and shops they wouldn’t be able to alone.

How much does it cost?

Shopper Bus service is free

The only cost users need to pay is a yearly membership fee of £12. That’s just £1 a month.
There is no limit to the amount of times a user can use the shopper service and it also gives you access to monthly excursions we may run. If you would like to try the service first please get in touch to arrange a trip.

How to Join

Please complete the form relevant to where you are resident and return it to us by email or post. If you don’t have a printer, give us a call and we will send a form to you.

How to pay: You can pay by cheque or with a credit or debit card over the phone.

Returning your form

By post: Westway CT, 240 Acklam Road, W10 5YG
Call: 020 8964 4928
Email: bookings@westwayct.org.uk

Download Individual Membership Form

Annual Membership Form

Annual membership is £12

Shopper Bus Timetable

If they were to stop the service we people, in my generation, would be a lot poorer. A lot poorer in both health and mental welfare. It makes a whole world of difference, to our generation to have that service available.
Joyce, 75, Shopper Bus user, Kensington & Chelsea


Update: Shopper Bus Baggage Allowance

Update: Shopper Bus Baggage Allowance

We are making some changes to our shopper bus service to ensure the health and well-being of our staff and members. Our new baggage policy now limits the amount of shopping that can be carried on our vehicles. Going forwards our shoppers will carry either a maximum of...

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New Free Trips For Members: Feb -April 

New Free Trips For Members: Feb -April 

With the New Year we have new community transport trips underway for our shopper bus members. Every week, on top of our supermarket sweeps our members have the choice of a weekly free excursion. We take the bus out of London's busy streets and into more leafy enclaves...

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Helping Young People Feel Better

Helping Young People Feel Better

WCT works with hundreds of local community groups and individuals across the borough. Together with members we help tackle many issues that impact people in our borough, from loneliness and isolation, to developing better mental health. It’s important to us to...

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A Year In Numbers, For Better Community

A Year In Numbers, For Better Community

With 2025 just around the corner we thought it appropriate to take a beat and share with you what we achieved in the year. Drum roll please! 40,300 trips for Local Groups 31,848 total trips for individual passengers 22,248 Dial- A Ride journeys 4,976 - shopper bus...

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